Passed a landmark yesterday … 50 straight days of pressing along, jotting down everything I eat, I do, and when I do it. Not sure how good of read it is for the public, but what I have reinforced something I’ve felt very strongly about for many, many years. 4-5 small and enjoyable meals per day with a good attitude and purposeful activity leads to a steady weight loss. Life lesson #51 – slow and steady beats fast and radical in the marathon of life.
Morning weight 169.5
Today’s Meals:
- 8:20am – Herbalife Formula 1 French Vanilla Protein Shake. 5 oz of Healthy Balance Apple Juice, 1/2 cup of Costco Organic Frozen Blueberries, 4 large Costco strawberries, and 1/2 frozen banana. 2 scoops of Formula 1 and 2 scoops of Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder. 1 cup of spinach. Herbalife supplements:
- Formula 2 Multivitamin
- Formula 3 Cell Activator
- Herbalifeline
- Xtra-Cal Advanced
- Mega Garlic Plus
- 10:30pm – Sinagong vegetarian. 1 1/2 servings and to appease my salty festish, 1 serving of Hawaiian Style Mango Habanero chips. 1 cup of rice.
- 1:40pm – Sinagong vegetarian. 1 1/2 servings. 1 cup of rice. 1/2 Power Crunch Cookies & Cream bar.
- 3pm – 1/2 Power Crunch Cookies & Cream Bar.
- 5:30pm – Macy Taste Bar
- 1 – 3 cheese panini
- 1 pickle wedge
- 1 bag of Miss Vickie’s Jalapeno Chips
- 9:30pm – Ikeda Peach Pie slice (warmed in the microwave) with a scoop of Crystal ice cream
- It’s still early afternoon — I’ll be gone the rest of the evening so definitely no run in my immediate future, but I’m not quite throwing in the towel for a quick set of heavy weights.
- Weights
- Biceps. Needed mini breaks at the 4th and 5th sets.
- 1st set, 16 reps, In-and-Out curls, 25 lbs
- 2nd set, 16 reps, Static Arm curls, 25 lbs
- 3rd set, 16 reps, In-and-Out curls, 25 lbs
- 4th set, 16 reps, Isolation curls, 25 lbs
- 5th set, 16 reps, Static Arm Curls, 25 lbs
- Shoulder Dumbbell Presses. If you just glance at the number of reps and the total weight, you would wonder why this is even noteworthy. You may even be thinking, “Dude, nobody is watching you. Just embellish a little.” Well, if you have been following me for the last 50+ days, you know that this is significant progress. Even as little as 10 days ago, I had to quit after 1 set of 3 reps because of the shooting pain in my left shoulder.
- 5 sets, 6 reps, 20 lbs
- Biceps. Needed mini breaks at the 4th and 5th sets.