Author Archives: run262

Day 129. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

No activities today … but check back in a few days. Physical therapy … take me away!

Morning weight = 172.

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 10-16-2013

Today’s Activities:

  • No activities on the schedule

Wednesday, 10-16-2013

Full Refund with FTD – 10 Easy Steps (without them picking up the original delivery)

Full Refund with FTD

10 Easy Steps (without them picking up the original delivery)


FTD Delivery – What It Should Look Like

1. Remain Calm. This will be easy because you know you will always get a full refund using this process. With that knowledge, there is no need to raise your voice. Trust me, you win at the end.

2. What’s Your Name? Get the name of the person and an extension just in case you get disconnected “accidentally” — especially when you begin to ask for your full refund. It’s not uncommon for their representative to put you on hold for quite a bit and then you get disconnected. Hmmmmm … wonder what happened.

3. Calmly State Your Case. If the order received/delivered doesn’t match the description on their website, just tell them some of the details. I offered to email pictures of what I received vesus what was described on their website. They didn’t want to see it.

4. Good as Gold. Refer to their Good as Gold policy which simply reads:

The FTD ‘Good As Gold’ 7 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee fresh, beautiful floral arrangements and plants that will last at least seven days.

If you are not satisfied with the freshness of your flowers, please contact us within that time period and we will replace your item or refund your money.

5. Their Solutions. They will now offer you two options:

a. 10% discount for their mistake
b. Redelivery of what you ordered, but they take away what they originally sent.

FTD Delivery

FTD Delivery – What It Actually Looked Like

In my case, neither of these were acceptable. The 10% isn’t even on the table as a consideration. And my stance on redelivery of what I ordered and taking away what was delivered is simply tacky.

I told the representative what if this was a funeral (mine was a Valentines delivery). Would you actually go and take the flowers off the memorial site. He said that is not their policy, but my point was either a funeral or Valentines, both events are emotionally charged and should be considered the same. You simply don’t take away flowers that have been sent to another person … Martha Stewart Etiquette 101.

6. The Policy. They will refer to their policy: “In order for a full refund, they need to pick up the original order.”

7. MOST IMPORTANT STEP: Re-quote their Good as Gold Policy and calmly ask them to refer you where it says on their website further details regarding they have to pick up the original order first. They will hymn and haw, but stand your ground. They will repeatedly say, “it is our policy” — in my case, I ended up speaking with two people, the last a supervisor, and I heard “it is our policy” at minimum of a dozen times.

a. As soon as I asked the first representative to show this to me, it’s as if I opened up Pandora’s Box. She didn’t know how to respond other than the scripted “it is our policy.” She eventually broke and said that is what the “higher-ups” tell them and my immediate response to that, “Great, that’s who I need to speak with.” They will transfer you, but again, refer to step 2 above — don’t give them an opportunity to just disconnect and make your legitimate issue another person’s problem after you have to call in and repeat everything you just said. Accountability is key here.

8. Supervisor. Now you have the supervisor. Remember step 2.

9. It’s Not There. They will eventually reveal this information is not on their website for us, the consumer, to opt-in or opt-out. As a consumer, we didn’t have an option to accept this return policy or not so drumroll please … the consumer wins all the time.

10. Full FTD Refund. They will send you an email regarding the full refund and you don’t need to explain to your wife, your BFF, your mom, your dad, your support staff, or your kids why someone is standing at the front door or wreaking havoc in your  work cubicle wanting to take away your thoughtful gesture of sending flowers.


FTD Refund

Remember to stay calm. You win at the end. Now I’m waiting for Groupon to respond to my full refund request for my FTD Groupon. I obviously won’t be using FTD in the near future and I don’t want to keep watering this Groupon.

Any suggestions to work with Groupon is greatly appreciated. I used their online “contact” form to briefly describe the issue.

Lastly, make sure you get a second opinion before you start asking for full refunds. In my case, the items don’t even look similar. Wrong vase. Wrong display. The only thing “bountiful” about the arrangement description was the amount of time I spent with FTD on the telephone. Total of 48 minutes, but to recover nearly $200 for a Mickey Mouse arrangement, it was time well spent.


10 Steps for a Full FTD Refund without them picking up the original delivery.


Day 128. Parents are the Best

Parents are the Best

Celebrating a day with my parents and wife. Dinner and a movie. Parents are the best and I’m fortunate to still have them both in my life. As they get older, it’s even more apparent how much they have influenced my life.

From my pop. I have the same temperament. If our lives were bumper stickers, it would read “no problem.”

From my mom. I have the same “don’t stop” attitude. We’d both rather keel over and faint before we gave up.

Happy birthday Pop!

Morning weight = 169.5

Today’s Meals:

run262 myfitnesspal meal plan

MyFitnessPal 10-15-2013

  • 6pm (Meal 3) — Johnny Rockets Boca Burger Classic. Don’t forget … they have bottomless fries. Our server was in the Halloween mood.
run262 johnny rockets

Meal 3 — 6pm

  • 10pm (Meal 4 – Not shown on MyFitnessPal numbers). Why? I only ate a little. This was for my parents birthday snack.
run262 meal plan

Meal 4 – 10pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Celebrated my pop’s birthday. Dinner, movie, and high-end pastries. He is constantly saying he isn’t a cake guy, but every birthday we attend, I see him eating cake. My pop is the most laid back and honorable person. Filled with integrity. Quick to forgive and slow to anger. God bless you pop!
  • We watched a press screening of Escape Plan. Sly and Arnold. One of these is my favorite actor. Here’s a clue … it’s the one that denied using steroids. Escape Plan … two big thumbs up.

Tuesday, 10-15-2013

Day 127. My Longest Run

My Longest Run

Coming off my personal best for a 10K at a 7:47 pace, I was feeling pretty good going into today. RunKeeper only has me going 15 miles, but nobody says I can’t add additional miles. What’s an extra mile amongst friends, right?

So after loading up on Herbalife24 and a banana, off I go.

Helpful tips for your longest run?

  1. Eat a high carb to protein ratio meal before you leave. A 12-1 carb to protein ratio is an excellent choice. Sorry, no Taco Bell or Egg McMuffins.
  2. Eat that pre-run meal at least 30-60 minutes before you leave.
  3. Don’t drink too much during your run. You’ll find yourself feeling like a washing machine and without all the gory details, you might see what you just drank.
  4. Listen to your body and then listen to your will. Now, I say this with a little hesitation. If you’re an Olympic athlete and the difference between gold and silver is hundredths of a second, listen to your will. But, for the 99.9% of us that will never step on a podium with our national anthem blaring as our theme song, don’t harm yourself. Walking is still moving. Or you can think of it as walking is just slower running.

Morning weight = 169.5. Post run weight 168.

I don’t really understand this … I’ve run 5 miles and lost 2-3 pounds. After 16 miles, I lost a total of 1.5 pounds. Don’t misunderstand … I’m not on a weight loss program. I am on a fitness and endurance program. But, I still like to think certain aspects of calories burned for weight loss are still constant. After burning nearly 2,100 calories, I would expect to see a 4 pound weight loss. (500 calorie deficit typically equals a pound). Let’s just say my scale was broken that day and it all washes out in the end.

Today’s Meals:

run262 myfitnesspal meal plan

MyFitnessPal 10-14-2013

Today’s Activities:

  • Wow. I ain’t going to lie. My longest run of 16 miles felt like the longest time I’ve ever been on my feet. I used all the tricks in the book — after the first 10K, reset my brain to say “just do another 10K” I tried telling myself to just keep shuffling my feet and that isn’t even going to tire me. Tried many things, but that was not easy.
  • Got to the point where I actually had to walk or I was going to die (insert the little girl’s voice from Despicable Me). You’ll notice at mile 15, that’s where I stopped by my local Chinese restaurant and asked for a cup of water. If I’m being accurate, it sounded more like, “water … water”
  • What did I learn? It’s okay to walk before you go into full shutdown mode. I came pretty close today at mile 13. My will was strong, but my body was saying my will is just plain stupid. Also, don’t drink too much during long runs. Swigs and swishes are recommended. I’m trying to hide this disgusting fact, but I threw up on 2nd Street. At least I did it in the plants and being that our town is so progressively organic, they’d probably approve and the city council would give me the keys to the city for thinking outside the box.
run262 runkeeper 16 miles

RunKeeper 16-mile steady

Day 126. Doing Nothing Doesn’t Mean Doing Nothing

Doing Nothing Doesn’t Mean Doing Nothing

Sunday is definitely one of the best days of week. I’m surprised nobody has coined the phrase TGIS … Katy Perry, you sang gospel songs before. I hear a follow-up to your smash hit.

Even though I don’t have a scheduled training run on the books, that doesn’t give me an excuse to do nothing. In fact, doing nothing doesn’t mean doing nothing. Let me explain.

Just because you are in training and training schedules say “rest day”, this doesn’t give you a green light to do nothing. For me, it’s serving at church if it’s a Sunday. On my “rest days” of Tuesday and Thursday, that can mean doing a light workout with my good friends Tony Horton or Shaun T. THort or Shaun … we’re on a nickname basis now. Shoot, I’ve paid them enough through Beach Body DVDs, I should be on their speed dial.

So, today’s day of rest means a day of service. Ask yourself daily, what can you do to bless somebody else today? And it’s not only scientifically proven, but more importantly, supported by the Bible, you will reap what you sow.

Morning weight = 170.5

Today’s Meals:

run262 myfitnesspal meal plan

MyFitnessPal 10-13-2013

  • 6:50pm (Meal 3) — What goes best with a gourmet pizza? Some argue beer, but I’ll leave that to those Oktobrewfest participants last night. Fries are a great compliment to pizza and better yet, Burger King had a “don’t ask, don’t tell” deal going on. I just hit the drive-thru, asked for fries, and drove off. How cool is that! These new fries … not so good. I miss the old fries already, but that’s why they offer a sample.
run262 burger king fries

Meal 3 — 7pm


Today’s Activities:

  • Break, considering I have a 16 miles run tomorrow. Want to start my week off with a bang and couldn’t think of a better way other than this. They say the most successful people in their particular industries always do the difficult tasks first. That will be my longest distance I’ve ever run so today, I eat well, enjoy the people around me, and enjoy the blessing of rest.

Sunday, 10-13-2013