Author Archives: run262

Day 110. Planning or Reacting?

Do you plan ahead?

I’ve found that doing so is very helpful. Not only plan for what is to come, but also plan for what is unforeseen. Specifically, how will you react if things don’t go as originally planned. This is a key, a secret if you will, to managing your emotions and being excellent in our daily lives.

So, I planned ahead. Not too far ahead. Just one day. And my “ahead” shows a 14-mile run on the horizon. So what does that mean for today and how should I plan for tomorrow?

For today — eat well, sleep well, and laugh well.

For tomorrow — eat well in the morning. Banana and super cocktail of Herbalife24 Prepare, Prolong, and Niteworks. And run in the morning. My attitude as I look towards tomorrow … I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.

Life Lesson #110 – Plan ahead for the things you do know and plan ahead for how you react to the things you don’t know.

Morning weight = 173. Post-run weight = 170.5

Friday, 09-27-2013

Day 110. Spaghetti Factory.

Day 110 – Today’s Meals

Marathon Food Plan. Carbs and cheeses and chips. The 3Cs of nutrition. But, poor choice of words, however … take a peek at the food journal. Still below my daily goal and says if I continue to eat like a normal human, I will still lose a bit of L-Bs. (pounds). Oh my … I can still be human and enjoy foods without counting points, without deprivation. I can be with versus without. But (here’s that but again), I did strap on the ole’ Brooks again today and hit the pavement. How many miles and time equals to managing the 3Cs of nutrition … find out here.

run262 marathon food plan

Today’s Meals 09-27-2013

When did I eat:

  • 6:50am (Meal 0) – Herbalife24 Prolong, Prepare, and Niteworks plus a couple pieces of frozen banana. Why frozen banana? Because that’s all I had. I freeze banana slices for my morning smoothies and didn’t plan for ahead for a non-frozen one. But, at the fair, freeze your banana and it’s actually called a dessert now.
run262 marathon food plan

Meal 0 — 6:50am

  • 10:40am (meal 1.1) – Yakisoba and Justin pairing. Crispy and salty plus biter sweet and savory.
run262 marathon food plan

Meal 1.1 10:40am

  • 1:10pm (Meal 2) – Tastybite Madras Lentils and leftover egg fried rice. This is another Costco find from years ago. Comes in a 4-pack (I think) and also packs big flavor. Microwave in a minute and bring on the protein and big flavors.
run262 marathon food plan

Meal 2 — 1:10pm

  • 4:45pm (Meal 3) – Various chips and cheeses and fruit. House warming party with tons of finger foods. Had to leave quickly because I didn’t want to leave with tons of extra calories.
ustronger herbalife nutrition

Meal 3 — 4:45pmustronger herbalife nutritionMeal 3 — 4:45pm

  • 7pm (Meal 3.1) – I like, strike that LOVE, chips and dips more than the average bear, however not for dinner. After the party, there’s always the afterparty. And tonight it was dinner for two at Spaghetti Factory. Manager’s Special with mushroom and mizithra plus my handy-dandy Herbalife tablets. I don’t think there is a fat blocker in there, but I certainly needed one tonight.
run262 marathon food plan

Meal 3.1 — 7pm

Friday, 09-27-2013

Day 110. 4-Mile Easy Run

Easy Run

Training session 27 of 64 — 4 mile easy run. At this stage of the game, I can actually say it is an “easy” run. Day 1 of 64, probably a different story, but goes to show you, keep at it (whatever your it is) and it will get easier.

Today’s run was easy-breezy. Didn’t push myself and cruised at a 8:20 per minute mile. Had much more in the tank after the run and pushed in some overpass/ramp runs to get more bang for my running buck.

It’s getting colder so I’ve got decisions to make — (1) wear the long sleeves like today or (2) run later in the morning when I can actually see a shadow. It’s been really dark out.

What would you do?

ustronger herbalife nutrition

RunKeeper 4 mile easy run

Friday, 09-27-2013

Day 109. A Day Without Cardio

A Day Without Cardio

run262 marathon

Light Weights 09-26-2013

A so-called off day is a day without cardio. After Tuesday’s T25 premiere performance, my calves were on fire. A good thing. From the calves down, it looked like Arnold in his heyday. T25 definitely works the total body, starting at the calves!

Wednesday’s 6.32 mile run at an average pace of 8:43/minute was a welcome cool down from T25’s nastiness. I’ll certainly be returning to further days with Shaun T and the gang, but for now, I need a pair of house shoes. What are house shoes? The brand doesn’t matter, it’s just shoes for the house, thus house shoes. These shoes will never touch the outside — it’s like having a declawed cat. Only stays indoors.

Today was a welcomed “off-day” — a day with no cardio. 2 supersets of biceps immediately chased by 3 supersets of shoulders was like a walk in the park compared to my recent activities. Thankfully, I am getting stronger and starting to build the strength lost from the months of recovering from my Tough Mudder injury. This is a big, big deal to be able to even do a shoulder press and like the name, I’ll continue to press on, combining strength training with cardio blasts!

Thursday, 09-26-2013

Day 109. Say Ahhhh …

Two days removed from Day 1 of T25 (Tuesday) and a 6.32 mile run (Wednesday), I enjoy this off day. I’ll continue T25 once I get a pair of house cross-training shoes. Attempted to use the Vibrams and it was a bit challenging. The inside of the Vibram has some loose threads and that rubbing effect wasn’t the best for my feet. My motto (one of many) … Until I finish the marathon — PROTECT MY FEET!

So, I call it a day off, but I actually did 2 sets of various arm movements, alternating with no rest with 3 sets of various shoulder movements. Rest compared to having my feet rubbed raw like I was one of the P.O.W.s in Rambo 2. No thanks to that … remember the motto!

I was able to try something new today. That’s always brain enhancing. My wife discovered a frozen Yakisoba noodle — she just happened to be really hungry that day and stumbled upon this in the community fridge. No need to call the fridge police. I took a trip to Costco and today was the day to partake. The verdict? Delicious and Fast. In three minutes, you’re eating and on your way. My kind of food.

Life lesson #109 — keep your eyes, ears, and mouths open for new opportunities. You never know what you see, what you hear, or how it tastes until you try new things.

Morning weight = 171.5.

Thursday, 09-26-2013

Day 109. Don’t Knock It.

Life lesson #109

Keep your eyes, ears, and mouths open for new opportunities. Remember that old saying, don’t knock it ’til you try it.

Today was one of those days when I happily discovered a new food. Frozen Yakisoba can actually be “Yummy”soba and not so “Yucky.”

Thursday, 09-26-2013

Day 109. Veggie Corndogs


MyFitnessPal 09-26-2013

When did I eat:

  • 8:15am – (Meal 1) Breakfast is served. Herbalife smoothie and Herbalife Core Complex.
  • 11:20am – (Meal 2) Lunchtime. My wife discovered this while at work. A unknowing co-worker shared her Yakisoba with her. My wife since confessed and it’s all good. My next Costco trip was just for this noodle bowl. Chased my food with Herbalife supplements.
run262 ustronger marathon nutrition

Meal 2

  • 2:20pm – (Meal 2.1) Snack time. Yes, that Yakisoba was “yucky” at all. It was “yummy”soba. Sorry about that … but I’m sure the kids will like the play on words. Chased with my favorite snack food of all time, Lay’s Original Chips.
run262 ustronger marathon nutrition

Meal 2.1

  • 5:45pm – (Meal 3) Possibly a dinner, but definitely good. Hot Dog on a Stick veggie corndog and some fries. The picture shows a lot of ketchup and mustard, but it was just for the photo op. I’ll stick with mustard on my burgers.
run262 ustronger marathon nutrition

Meal 3

  • 7:40pm – (Meal 3.1) C.R.E.A.M. – Cookies Rule Everything Around Me. Not quite Wutang, but I’m sure their lawyers will be calling soon. First visit and quite possibly my last. I’ll stick with It’s It. The cookie was hard — one bite and all the ice cream squeezed out and the cookie broke. Not the cleanest way to eat an ice cream sandwich.
run262 ustronger marathon nutrition

Meal 3.1

  • 9pm – (Meal 4) Homemade egg fried rice to end the night.
run262 ustronger marathon nutrition

Meal 4

Thursday, 09-26-2013

Day 108. Disciplined in the morning, not-so-much in the evening.

All my nutrition packed in the morning to get me through my middle-of-the-week run and after burning 839 calories according RunKeeper, MyFitnessPal tells me I just added it back with a dinner bear claw (540 calories) and buttered popcorn (720 calories). Hey, at least I didn’t do the cliche diet soda. I’m still a card carrying member of the water drinking club.

Ahhhh … but who’s counting. Well, I guess I am with the help of these two Apps.

Life lesson #108 — Use the available tools to gain insight towards your goals. Don’t use a spoon to dig a hole, use a shovel.

Morning weight = 171. Post-run weight = 170.

Today’s Meals:


Meal 1 — 8:45am


Meal 2 — 12:30pm


Meal 3 — 5:30pm


Meal Snacks (see below for times)


  • 630am – Pre run nutrition and hydration. Herbalife24 Prepare, Prolong, and Niteworks. 1 medium-sized banana. Tip! Best to eat a minimum of 30 minutes before a run. Preferably 60 minutes.
  • 3:30pm – Kind Plus Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate bar
  • 7:30pm – Local bakery – fresh bear claw. Ate 1/2 during my 5:30 dinner and enjoyed the rest later with popcorn. Salty and sweet … I think I just found my new favorite flavor. Bear claw flavored popcorn. Packed with calories and it was delicious. Regal buttered popcorn.
  • 9:30pm – Herbalife24 Restore

Meal 0 – Pre Run — 6:30am


Meal 0.1 – Post Run — 8:20am


Meal 1.1 — 10:55am


Meal 2 — 12:30pm


Meal 3 — 5:30pm


Meal 3.1 (Snack) — 7pm

Today’s Activities:

  • RunKeeper tells me I did a Great Job this morning. Reminds of that kid during Game (something) when Lebron was walking off the court after they just got beaten like a dog. This future Tony Robbins shouted out, “Great Job. Good effort” which is in fact the exact opposite of what the rest-of-the-world’s eyeball’s just witnessed.
  • Today was a 2×2 mile fast. The stages are 1 mile slow. 2 miles fast. 3 minutes slow, etc. At the end of the session, I added another 6.32 miles onto my running shoes.

RunKeeper 2×2 miles fast (09-25-2013)

Wednesday, 09-25-2013

Day 107. Day 1 of T25

Look what the postman delivered yesterday … we might as well become Beach Body representatives, better yet, Shaun T groupies. We have Insanity. We have Hip Hop Abs. We do the Dr. Oz versus Shaun T’s 15-minute workout. What? Never heard of that … Google it and then Do It! An excellent workout for the “I never have enough time” people in your life.

T25 Cardio Review

shaun t

T25 Cardio “Day 1”

I tend to rate things on sweat factor. For example, Insanity is a 3-towel workout. P90X Plyometrics is a 3-towel workout (and garbage can if you feel a little light-headed). Dr. Oz/Shaun T 15-minute workout is actually a 1-toweler.

So, what would an extra 10-minutes be like? Well after completing T25 – Cardio, it is officially a 2 1/2 towel workout. I’ve ran 14-miles and didn’t sweat as much as this workout. Just glad I was at home because after 6 minutes, I was already shirtless workout guy. You know the guy … he’s the one that when it comes to a “shirts and skins” pickup game of hoops, he can’t wait to be skins. He’s the guy in the gym that wears the matching Gold’s Gym spaghetti string tank top and biker shorts ensemble while he works out at 24 Hour Fitness. Well, I turned into all these guys shortly into this workout. Thank God I was in the comfort and seclusion of my family room.

The Good. It’s in the name. 25-minutes. Come on. If you can’t find 25-minutes at least 2 times a week, you’re either too rich to care or (permission to be honest) just lazy. Nobody is that busy. You may think you are, but we need to ask ourselves this simple question. How do others manage their 24-hours? Ultimately, it certainly is possible — just make a decision. Also, the constant movement is wonderful. First starting out slowly to get the body acclimated to the movement. It’s almost like a rest period while accomplishing its goal, steadily, but rapidly building up to a burn movement. Each movement is about 1 minute, targeting specific areas for 4 straight movements until Shaun T moves onto the next.

Then, that “rest” movement and repeats. So, ultimately, it is 25-minutes, but realistically, there is only 20 minutes of an intense, 2-towel-type of workout. Also, the girl that was featured front row in the Insanity discs is highlighted here as well, but (permission to be honest again), not so in-your-face annoying. First, congratulations to her because she just had a baby and she is featured for the low-impact version of the workout. Smart Shaun T. Very smart!

The bad. Your washing machines will go on overdrive because of all the extra loads of clothes and towels you’ll need to wash post workout. This again is a 2 1/2 toweler and there is nothing bad about this at all, at least Disc 01 – Cardio.

Will review the other workouts in the series as I do them, but I don’t plan on doing the consecutive 60 day workout. Sounds odd to say this outloud, being that I just soap-boxed the “lazy” tag for those who can’t find 25-minutes. I have my reasons. Notice how I didn’t say excuses, but reasons. In short, I’m nearing 80 miles per month road time now and I don’t want to burn out 60 some odd days from my main goal. I can say I’m excited for the possibilities for T25 as a lifetime workout. After graduating P90X and finishing 75% of Insanity, I can see this being an everyday workout. P90X and Insanity (permission to be honest once again) weren’t realistic for my lifestyle and being constantly sore wasn’t fun. Anyway, I don’t want to be “shirtless gym guy” anyway. You have permission to mock me if that day ever comes.

Life lesson #107 — You can “find” 25 minutes to do anything. Why not make that thing a workout.

Morning weight = 170.5

Today’s Meals:

Herbalife run

Meal 1 — 8:15am

herbalife run

Meal 2 — 11:45am 

Herbalife Run

Meal 3 — 5:30pm


Meal Various Snacks (see below for times)


Herbalife marathon

MyFitnessPal 09-24-2013 Results

T25 nutrition

Meal 1.1

mexican food

Meal 2

herbalife nutrition

Meal 3

herbalife run

Meal 3.1

Today’s Activities:

  • Off day, but doesn’t give me an excuse to sit on the couch to watch Seinfeld reruns (as good as that might sound). Shaun T’s T25 arrived yesterday so let’s give this a try. Cross-training will certainly help my fitness and help prevent silly injuries.
  • Googled the calorie burn for T25 Cardio. 600 calories for a 25-minute workout.

Tuesday, 09-24-2013

Day 106. Overdue

herbalife training


I’ve had books overdue at the library. My wife has been overdue on her monthly cycle — unfortunately it was a false alarm. We were hoping and praying. I even have a run stroller in mind, but that’s a different blog. Now I can add “overdue” to my training regiment.

After my big Pacman push yesterday, I just didn’t need a rest. My body was telling me I needed a rest. I felt twinges in areas that I don’t normally feel so yes RunKeeper, thanks for pointing out that I’m “overdue.” I cliche-icly figured, “this is a marathon, not a sprint” so I will fight (ahem … run) another day. Missing one scheduled run won’t keep me from crossing the finish line.

Life lesson #106 — If books are overdue, you pay a fine. If your body is overdue, pay attention. Don’t injure yourself in the short-term for a long-term goal.

Morning weight = 172

Today’s Meals:

herbalife 24

Meal 1 — 8:15am


Meal 2 — 11:30am

herbalife run

Meal 3 — 5:30pm

herbalife run

Meal 2.1 — 3pm


MyFitnessPal 09-23-2013 Results

Today’s Activties:

  • Press screening of Ron Howard’s Rush and hanging with my parents. They are our movie partners. Regarding the movie … loved it and I know nothing about the world of Formula 1. If you think Derby folk are high-society, Formula 1 honks make the Derby look like a ghetto.

Monday, 09-23-2013