Marathon Meal and Training Plan
Day 134.
Morning weight = 168 / post 5 mile run 167.5
Today’s Meals:
Today’s Activities:
Monday, 10-21-2014
Celebrating a day with my parents and wife. Dinner and a movie. Parents are the best and I’m fortunate to still have them both in my life. As they get older, it’s even more apparent how much they have influenced my life.
From my pop. I have the same temperament. If our lives were bumper stickers, it would read “no problem.”
From my mom. I have the same “don’t stop” attitude. We’d both rather keel over and faint before we gave up.
Happy birthday Pop!
Morning weight = 169.5
Tuesday, 10-15-2013
Coming off my personal best for a 10K at a 7:47 pace, I was feeling pretty good going into today. RunKeeper only has me going 15 miles, but nobody says I can’t add additional miles. What’s an extra mile amongst friends, right?
So after loading up on Herbalife24 and a banana, off I go.
Morning weight = 169.5. Post run weight 168.
I don’t really understand this … I’ve run 5 miles and lost 2-3 pounds. After 16 miles, I lost a total of 1.5 pounds. Don’t misunderstand … I’m not on a weight loss program. I am on a fitness and endurance program. But, I still like to think certain aspects of calories burned for weight loss are still constant. After burning nearly 2,100 calories, I would expect to see a 4 pound weight loss. (500 calorie deficit typically equals a pound). Let’s just say my scale was broken that day and it all washes out in the end.
Sunday is definitely one of the best days of week. I’m surprised nobody has coined the phrase TGIS … Katy Perry, you sang gospel songs before. I hear a follow-up to your smash hit.
Even though I don’t have a scheduled training run on the books, that doesn’t give me an excuse to do nothing. In fact, doing nothing doesn’t mean doing nothing. Let me explain.
Just because you are in training and training schedules say “rest day”, this doesn’t give you a green light to do nothing. For me, it’s serving at church if it’s a Sunday. On my “rest days” of Tuesday and Thursday, that can mean doing a light workout with my good friends Tony Horton or Shaun T. THort or Shaun … we’re on a nickname basis now. Shoot, I’ve paid them enough through Beach Body DVDs, I should be on their speed dial.
So, today’s day of rest means a day of service. Ask yourself daily, what can you do to bless somebody else today? And it’s not only scientifically proven, but more importantly, supported by the Bible, you will reap what you sow.
Morning weight = 170.5
Sunday, 10-13-2013
Race day. Or more appropriately, race night. 6pm start. RunKeeper has me on a scheduled 4 mile plus strides which basically is 4 miles slow, 20 seconds fast, 2 minutes slow and repeat for about 6 total miles. This matches perfectly with tonight’s Oktobrewfest 10K. I stay on track with my training runs and actually get a medal just for participating. I feel like those 7 year old “black belts” who continue to advance in martial arts, but when you watch them, it looks like they couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag, but they sure do have a loud Kiya! I’m getting a medal for doing what I should be doing is all I’m saying.
Let’s compare yesterday’s results and put the start steady and finish strong theory to the test. The great thing about running is that your time is your time. There’s really no grey area. Sure you can have bad weather and “off-days”, but for the most part, all things being equal, your times are your times. So after months of start steady and finish strong, let’s see the numbers:
The proof is in the numbers. Even though I ran about a mile more, each mile was done with more purpose. I had a goal of finishing in the top of my age group and ended up 8/23. Overall, 51/343. Very happy with the results and reinforces known beliefs.
Applying discipline over time will produce results. Just be mindful of where you devote your discipline. As a result of all the early, cold, and sniffle-inducing mornings, I am reaping the benefits.
Morning weight = 169.5. No post-race weight taken.
Saturday, 10-12-2013