Category Archives: First Marathon on Herbalife24

Attempting my first full marathon in December 2013. Herbalife24 was highly ranked by triathletes. That’s three activities … I just need one. This is my daily journey on the road and on the products. To the finish!

Day 106. Overdue

herbalife training


I’ve had books overdue at the library. My wife has been overdue on her monthly cycle — unfortunately it was a false alarm. We were hoping and praying. I even have a run stroller in mind, but that’s a different blog. Now I can add “overdue” to my training regiment.

After my big Pacman push yesterday, I just didn’t need a rest. My body was telling me I needed a rest. I felt twinges in areas that I don’t normally feel so yes RunKeeper, thanks for pointing out that I’m “overdue.” I cliche-icly figured, “this is a marathon, not a sprint” so I will fight (ahem … run) another day. Missing one scheduled run won’t keep me from crossing the finish line.

Life lesson #106 — If books are overdue, you pay a fine. If your body is overdue, pay attention. Don’t injure yourself in the short-term for a long-term goal.

Morning weight = 172

Today’s Meals:

herbalife 24

Meal 1 — 8:15am


Meal 2 — 11:30am

herbalife run

Meal 3 — 5:30pm

herbalife run

Meal 2.1 — 3pm


MyFitnessPal 09-23-2013 Results

Today’s Activties:

  • Press screening of Ron Howard’s Rush and hanging with my parents. They are our movie partners. Regarding the movie … loved it and I know nothing about the world of Formula 1. If you think Derby folk are high-society, Formula 1 honks make the Derby look like a ghetto.

Monday, 09-23-2013

Day 105. Rock the 80s Run

Rock the 80s Run

Rock the 80s Run

Running Down a Dream fits today. One of my all-time favorite 80s jams and today being an 80s-themed fun run.

For the record, there was a Superman — not sure why, but colored tights can certainly be 80s. He should’ve rocked some leg warmers and took it over the top. I also spotted plenty of neon. I grew up in the 80s and didn’t notice that much neon, but I guess so. When I think 80s, I think big hair and break dancing. Not neon and Superman. But who am I to talk … I didn’t even bother joining in the theme fun so I don’t have a right to trash talk.

So, let’s talk results. No cape needed here … I think the words are “PR” or “Personal Best” 8:15/minute and 4th in my age group. Something to certainly to pat myself on the back for. Especially exciting because I ran my Mile 7 at 7:56 and Mile 8 at 7:35. I believe that is my fastest mile and to do it at Mile 8 was pretty cool.

rock the 80s

Post Run Photo Op

I seem to thrive in race situations. Let’s set the scene. About Mile 6, I can see a few people ahead of me in the distance. Their silhouettes first small, but as each stride, geting bigger. Am I closing the distance? I think I am and I say to myself, “I’m going to catch them.” So did I … I passed 4 runners on the left hand side (excuse the Musical Youth reference, but it is 80s) at Mile 7 and passed another runner about 50 yards later. I had 2 more to catch and the one immediately in front of me was fading fast. Done on the second to last turn to the finish line — it was a slight incline and I thanked God for those ramp runs.

Elk Grove California

Rock the 80s Run

The last guy was about 50 feet in front of me, but I was running out of real estate. I could sniff the finish line and I’m sure he could too. Probably thinking to himself, “I won’t let this guy pass me” How do I know that … because I’d say the same thing. Finish in sight and I ran out of gas. Sorry for the anti-climatic ending, but I literally ran out of gas and ended up 1 1/2 steps behind him. Could I have caught him? Yes. Did I catch him? No.

Why? Ahhhh, who knows. I tried my best and ended up 4th overall in my age group. From the results, it looks like the guy immediately in front of me was in the mid-20s age group so for all us 40-44 year old groups, I almost showed them young whipper snappers!

I just missed out on the special wooden Pacman. It was given to the Top 3 finishers in their age groups. I guess you could say I didn’t gobble up enough pavement fast enough.

Life lesson #105 — Be like Pacman. After finishing stages, he would show why he does what he does. Love!

Morning weight = 173. No post-run weight … attended an after party.


rock the 80s elk grove

Meal 1 — 6:15am

herbalife run

Meal 2 — 1pm

rock the 80s elk grove

Meal 3 — 7pm

herbalife run

Meals Snacks (see below for times)


  • 9:20am – Post-Race nutrition. Banana and Power Bar Energy Blast. Always fun hanging out after the race and partaking in the food samples a la Costco kiosks.
  • 2:30pm – Snickers Peanut Butter Squared
  • 4pm – Homemade Rainbow Cake. Cake featured in Meal 2 photos.
herbalife run

MyFitnessPal 09-22-2013

herbalife run

Meal 0 – Pre Run Nutrition

herbalife marathon

Meal 2

Herbalife run

Meal 3

herbalife run

Meal 3.1 — 9:45pm (peaces)


  • Race morning and feeling good. Thankful that my training schedule perfectly aligns with the mileage for today! Do your best and forget the rest! Let’s do this! Oh … and looking forward to hanging out with my family and friends
Rock the 80s Run Elk Grove

Rock the 80s Run Results

Sunday, 09-22-2013

Day 104. Is Chili a Good Pre-Run Meal?

What a perfect God we have. I’m scheduled for 8-miles today. But wait … I have an 8-mile Rock The 80s race tomorrow. I don’t need to see people walking on water to call it a miracle or the blind given sight. Are those miracles, of course! Is this a miracle? Of course! Reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures:

Romans 8:28 — All things work together for good for those that are called according to His purpose.

I haven’t quite gone “bumpersticker with this”,but I the magnet hangs on my fridge. Over the years, I have seen God do wonders and this scripture has been a foundation in my life. I’ve found that even if things don’t work out as we plan (keyword “we”), God’s plan is always better, thus the ALL THINGS. If you study that, just imagine. ALL THINGS. Not just some things, but ALL THINGS. I love this promise from God.

And this is so cool … since I didn’t run today, RunKeeper somehow didn’t even dock me a non-training day. Even calls it a rest day. Today’s words of encouragement … I like RunKeeper even more now. Quoting bible scriptures!

Ecclesiastes 11:4

Ecclesiastes 11:4

Life lesson #104 — There are no small miracles, only small visions. Give thanks!

What I learned today from my food intake … my wife’s homemade chili has almost no sugar. Note to self! But, is “Chili a good pre-run meal?” Here’s the answer

Morning weight = 173.5

Today’s Meals:

herbalife run

Meal 1 — 8:45am

Herbalife run

Meal 2 — 1:30pm

herbalife run

Meal 3 — 7:30pm

herbalife run

Meal 2.1 3:30pm


Today’s Activities:

  • Rest day. Ready for tomorrow’s race! Wondering what costumes I’ll see tomorrow … will there be a Tubbs and Crockett sighting? Would be hard to run in alligator slip ons.

Saturday, 09-21-2013


Day 103. Do I Still Run When I’m Sick?

Wife home — not feeling well. Nice for me … love spending more time with her, but probably not the ideal situation for her. She’s been doing her best Joe Camel imitation for about 2 weeks now.

Has me thinking … what to do when not feeling 100%? Some say rest. Some say eat chicken soup, but that does no good for vegetarians. Some say 7-Up is an absolute cure all (I might be swayed to belief this — 7-Up has saved many a day in my life). But what to do when you’re not feeling 100% and it falls on a big day, for example … off the top of my head, a marathon? Or just training days? And especially as the days grow shorter and Winter weather creeps in.

Today I’ll get my mindset that no matter how I feel, I will complete the goal. But in doing so, first and foremost, I will pray for health and restoration not just for me, but for everybody running the race. While my wife does her best Joe Camel, I’ll do my best postman … rain, sleet, snow (or sniffle).

Life lesson #103 — Make up your mind on how you will react before something happens and this will keep your attitude steady. There will be surprises, but you don’t have to be surprised by them.

Morning weight = 173. Post-run = 170.

Today’s Meals:

herbalife run

Meal 1 — 8:15am

herbalife marathon

Meal 2 — 1:30pm


Meal 3 — 7:40pm


Meal Snacks (See below for details)


  • 9am – Meal 0, Pre-Run Nutrition. Herbalife24 Prepare and Niteworks.
  • 2pm – Meal 2.1 European chocolate biscuit cookies
  • 3:30pm – Meal 2.2 Filipino Suman
run marathon

MyFitnessPal 09-20-2013 Results


Meal 0 — 9am


Meal 2 — 1:30pm

marathon run

Meal 2.1 — 2pm

marathon runner

Meal 2.2 — 3:30pm

Herbalife Run

Meal 3 — 7:40pm

Today’s Activities:

  • With the Labor Day race on Sunday, this Friday run will be a nice warm-up and I’ll push back my scheduled Saturday run and save it for race day!
herbalife run

5 mile easy run

Friday, 09-20-2013

Day 102. S.O.S. Sugar-On-Sodium

So one of the best parts of this is tracking my food intake. Not just calories, although I’ve found it to be the easiest way to monitor weight loss/gain. It’s also the other elements of a healthy and dare I say balanced, meal plan.

Here’s the deal … it’s like I’m 10 years old again and eating candy and everything sticky. My sugar intake is off-the-hook. Thank God I’m not a diabetic, but I do know that diabetes runs in my family. I am consistently over my recommended sugar intake by a whopping numbers.

And let’s not talk about sodium. If sodium intake was an Olympic sport, I would be a gold medalist for sure. These figures are glaring and I’ve noticed them over these past hundred days, but I’ve never actually noticed them. That’s just a nice way of saying I wanted to ignore the signs of a potential problem. All hail the “Guy Code!” Avoid, avoid, avoid!

Sugar. With my family history and my uber-numbers, it’s time to see what it’s doing to my body so it is time to enroll in Google U’s course on “What Does Too Much Sugar Do To My Body?” In sum, because of the blood sugar spike, my organs think I have enough energy (fuel) to keep my body going and instead of burning fat for fuel, stores fat. What? Two worst words ever … stored and fat. Here’s the full story

I notice this from a body perception … I burn a ton of calories weekly and yet my weight has been increasing and I noticed I’ve stopped shrinking around the waist. Metabolism got me again, but now I’m “hip” (pun intended) to its plan.

Sodium. Google U (“What Does Too Much Sodium Do To My Body?”) isn’t a pretty picture. Of course, I’m not one to get alarmed, but it’s simply not smart to ignore a potential problem. Based on what Professor G says, sodium (table salt) is essential to maintaining fluid blanace for hydration. Since I didn’t understand that, I dove a little further and in layman’s terms, too much sodium can cause the body to retain fluid which also increases blood volume. With an increased blood volume, my heart has to work harder to push blood to my major organs, ie High Blood Pressure. There’s more to it than that, but High Blood Pressure is a mic-drop moment because a chronic problem can result in heart complications and I’m sure I speak for all of us … no thanks! Here’s the full story

The plan. Do my best to monitor my sugar and sodium intake. As it is, I feel I eat better than most. I’m a vegetarian for goodness sake which makes me superior to most. (I’m hoping you watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World because if you didn’t, I sound like a big jerk). I jokingly say the vegetarian thing because I was also a 224 pound vegetarian at one time in my life — a diet of bread, rice, and pasta is dangerously vegetarian. People use to say I was the biggest vegetarian they’ve ever seen.

So in doing my best, I also know if I can increase my metabolism with supplements, I can also start to see the waist shrink. I noticed weeks ago when I was consistently drinking Herbalife Concentrate Tea I had a tightness in the mid-section that I was really digging. Why I stopped, don’t ask me, but it seems like a good time to start up again.

Life lesson #102 — Live and learn so you can continue to live. Don’t ignore blaring glimpses of the obvious.

Morning weight = 172

Today’s Meals:

Meal 1

Meal 1

Herbalife Run

Meal 2

Herbalife24 marathon

Meal 3

herbalife run

Meal – Various Snacks (see notes for times)


  • 3:30pm – Homemade Banana Split Cupcake (can you blame me?) Two of my favorite things … homemade and banana split.
  • 4pm – Cereal break plus my favorite biscuit.
  • 9:30pm – (not listed), but like clockwork, I take Herbalife24 Restore daily.
herbalife run

MyFitnessPal 09-19-2013 Results

Meal 1 -- 8:15am

Meal 1 — 8:15am


Meal 2 — 1:30pm


Meal 2.1 3:30pm

Meal 2.2 4pm

Meal 2.2 4pm

herbalife run

Meal 3 — 7:30pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Rest and recovery.

Thursday, 09-19-2013

Day 101. Negative Splits

Up at 6:15am to get my nutrition down at least 45 minutes before my morning run. All that is needed is a banana and some type of hydration drink that is carb central.

Before drinking Herbalife24 Prepare. I would feel a tired — no weary better describes it. You know the feeling. It’s the feeling you get when you’ve had to skip breakfast and lunch is pushed back an hour, but the day-to-day stuff hasn’t stopped. Hands start feeling a little shaky. Thoughts start drifting.

After drinking Herbalife24 Prepare. I don’t experience the crash described above. This is important for endurance runs because once your body crashes, mentally it is hard to tell yourself, “keep going — don’t give up.”

Life lesson #101 — We wear seat belts to protect us from harm against a crash. Do the same with your nutrition.

Morning weight = 172.5. Post-run weight … forgot to measure.

Today’s Meals:

herbalife24 run

Meal 1 — 8:45am

Capture Lunch

Meal 2 — 12:20pm

Capture Dinner

Meal 3 — 7:20pm

Capture Snacks

Various Meals (see below for times)


  • 6:30am – Meal 0 (Pre-Run Nutrition). Banana and Herbalife24 Prepare (2 scoops), Niteworks (1 scoop)
  • 3pm – Meal 2.1 Breakfast for snacks! Cereal Killer!

Capture Results

negative splits

Meal 0 — 7:15am

Meal 2 12:20pm

Meal 2 12:20pm

negative splits

Meal 2.1 3pm

Meal 3 - 7:20pm

Meal 3 – 7:20pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Hump Day, Run Day. MyRunkeeper says, “6 mile negative splits.” Start at 10:20/mile and drop 10 seconds each mile, finishing at 9:50/mile.
  • As you can see from the splits below, I don’t follow instructions very well. I ran the first “slow” mile at 9:26 and the next 4 miles “fast” at 8:19/mile and finished the final “slow” mile at 8:29/mile. I’m starting to really like this!
herbalife24 marathon

6 mile negative splits  (09-18-2013)

Wednesday, 09-18-2013

Day 100. Milestone

Day 100. 100 Days. No matter how you put it, give me a second to celebrate before we press on for the next almost-100 days. I’ve learned a lot about myself over this time. Some good, some needing improvement, but the bottom line is that I’m growing, learning, and running in the right direction.

Growing — A lot of small steps, consistently over time, will undoubtedly make a difference. The key word being consistent. To a lot of people, these are just words on a page so you want proof … let’s take a look at the numbers.

Herbalife run

1st Training Run 8+ Miles (06-10-2013)

Sunday 09-22-2013

Most Recent 8+ Miles (09-22-2013)

Small step after small step which has morphed into long stride after long stride, I’ve shaved off 2 minutes and 50 seconds at this distance. And notably, I’m not running every day. Nearly 3 minutes per mile less and that was only my 24th training run.

Is it too early to imagine what the next 24 training runs can do? Could I possibly be a 6-minute-miler? I’ll answer my own question and say, Too Early! Never was one of my goals and it doesn’t mesh with my current and original goal of running my first marathon. But, don’t tell anybody, seeing these numbers, it is now a post-marathon goal.

Learning — Life lesson #100 — Freely celebrate your milestones, but don’t let your milestones become stumbling blocks. In other words, celebrate but don’t get lazy. This will make sense to anybody that has ever said, “Wow, I can’t believe I finished that (fill-in-the-blank), I deserve a break.” In my personal jog journey, I’ve caught myself a few times saying, “I just ran my personal best time at the required distance … it’s okay to take a few days off.” Be careful not to get too comfortable in your goals — some of the most successful people share this quality … celebrate rarely, but grind daily.

What I’ve Learned. Consistent, regular training is key, but if you don’t get the proper nutrition, you’ll burn out. 100 days in now, I can say that Herbalife24 Prolong and Herbalife24 Hydrate are certainly doing as advertised. I can go longer, or “Prolonger” because of the combination of my nutrition and exercise. I started adding Herbalife Niteworks about 2 weeks ago and my pre-run routine has stepped its game up. The key … whatever activity you do, your nutrition is just as important.

Morning weight = 171.5

Today’s Meals:

herbalife run

Meal 1 — 8:15am

herbalife run

Meal 2 — 12:30pm

Herbalife24 marathon

Meal 3 — 7:30pm

herbalife24 marathon

Snacktime – Meal 2.1, Ritter Sport 1:15pm. Meal 2.2, Homemade Banana Split Cupcake 2:50pm. Meal 2.3, Buttered Popcorn 4:30pm. It was a snack kind of day!herbalife24 marathon

Herbalife24 marathon

Meal 3 — 7:30pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Rest days are good days.

Tuesday, 09-17-2013

Day 99. 1 Down, 1 To Go

Someone call Willard Scott … I’m almost 100! One-hundred days into my personal blog on what I eat, what I do, when I eat it, and when I do it. Say that fast 10 times.

All I ask is that in lieu of the Smucker’s Jam photo, slap my mug on the side of Herbalife24 Prepare and Herbalife Niteworks. I’m sure the Nobel Prize doctor doesn’t need my stamp of approval, but man, ever since I started including Niteworks into my pre-run drink, I feel like a kid running to catch the last swing on the playground. For those of you reading this that never had to do that because there are “Swing Apps” (there’s an App for that), for you I say I feel like Justin Bieber running away from the paparazzi in his white Ferrari.

I was hesitating on adding Niteworks to my program because the label indicates it is not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women. I’ve been accused of being child-like, but I’m more focused on the “pregnant” part of this as my wife and I are planning for children. If you’re concerned, I recommend asking your physician — my approach and belief, once we’re pregnant, we’ll stop. And notice how I say, “we’re” … I’m sure 100% of women laugh at that.

Any Results?

All the touchy-feely things I feel are great for me, but what about you? For you, I submit my blog posts for every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday … look at the average mile per minute, the decreasing splits, and the increasing distance. I feel great and the measurable stats are consistent with how I feel.

Is Herbalife24 Restore helping? 

The morning after my runs, I don’t feel sore or have any ill effects from pavement pounding. I’m probably due a new pair of shoes, but that’s mechanical stuff. In regards to biological stuff, I feel really good. Yes, I feel good at 42-years old running nearly 80 miles per month. I can say that of all the Herbalife products I’m using to help me in this marathon prep, Restore is the one product that I am consistently taking daily.

Hint … Just put the bottle next to your bed. Put it on the nightstand. If you don’t have a nightstand, put it near your toothbrush. If you don’t have a toothbrush, well … you are probably running solo (but not by choice). It’s the easiest thing to take with water.

My new declaration … I am a lean, mean, running machine! Life lesson #99 — what you focus on is what you get. Biblically, Proverbs 27:7

Where the man goes, the man follows

Morning weight = 174. Post-run weight = 171.

Today’s Meals:

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 1

herbalife run nutrition

Meal 2

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3

herbalife run marathon

Meals Snacks

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

MyFitnessPal 9-16-2013

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2 1pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2.1 — 3:30pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3 — 7pm

Today’s Activities:

  • New week, new milestones to break. I find myself going out faster than RunKeeper allows. They allow for a 10-10:30 minute mile on their slow-paced runs. I’m going out between 9-9:30 minute miles for the first 2 miles and then I catch my rhythm and hit mid-8s. All I can say is this … YES! If I wanted to join the Marines, I could pass their PT Test with flying colors.
Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

RunKeeper 4 miles + Strides

Monday, 09-16-2013

Day 98. Soak, Bake, Grill

A day of rest. Not that I need it or anything, but yesterday I just finished my personal best distance. Oddly enough, or maybe not, I’m not sore at all in the places I would expect to be sore.

The Post-Run Body Checklist:

  • Left foot. Fine.
  • Right foot. Fine with a little outer edge something, but not enough to call the doctor. Probably enough to keep an eye on it because I might need a different type of doctor, a shoe doctor. A trip to Fleet Feet is probably on the horizon.
  • Both knees. Nothing more than usual, so fine.
  • Lower back. Nothing to mention

After church, we have lunch plans with our good friend at a local breakfast spot (they serve all day, but it’s a breakfast spot for sure). Their french toast has won BEST FRENCH TOAST in town probably 10 years in a row. I once asked how they prepare it and the guy literally lit up when he told me, “It’s a 3-step process. First they soak it overnight. Then they bake it. Then they grill it.” No wonder they win year-after-year. Why am I talking about this? Because after burning nearly 1,900 calories yesterday, I will enjoy every bite. Well, enjoy every shared bite with my wife, but that’s how we roll. And by the way, they use french bread versus that typical white slice loaf bread.

Besides, I eat an Herbalife Shake every morning which gives me plenty of calorie-leeway and an excuse to play with my food choices throughout the day. This morning was no different and I only wish I could have you try my morning smoothie. Tastes nothing like those sugary-icees they serve at Jamba Juice and other competitors. They use mostly juice and sorbets — I use mostly real fruit and real veggies.

Adding an extra scoop of Herbalife Protein Powder has made a difference in my energy level until my next meal. And duh, the instructions actually say 2 scoops and I was only doing one. At least I’m taking Herbalife24 Restore before I go to sleep as directed, at least I’m hoping I read that correctly.

Life lesson #98 — Instructions can instruct, but only if you read them. 

Morning weight = 172.5

 Today’s Meals:

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 1 — 8:15am

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2 — 2pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3 — 7pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 1.1 (1:30pm) and Herbalife Restore

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

MyFitnessPal 9-15-2013 Results

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 1.1 — 1:30pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2 — 2pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3 — 7pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Great lunch with great people, but with the best french toast in the world, it would be a great lunch with not-so-great people.

Sunday, 09-15-2013

Day 97. 14 Down,12.2 to Go

After a day of playing rockstar with a dear friend yesterday, it’s time to trade in the Strat for my Brooks. It’s long Saturday and as we near the California International Marathon start date, the longer the Saturday. Today is 13 miles.

So with RunKeeper App monitoring my progress and my music on random, off I go. Happy to report my App and iPhone crashed before I did. The music started playing at triple-speed. I had to continue to keep turning off Voice Command. But because of all of these focus grabbers, I ultimately ran an extra mile for a total of 14 or I like to call it “My personal best distance.” And the cherry on top, at a 9:19 per mile pace. Speaking of cherries on top, I want a sundae, but I ain’t hating the fact that I loaded up on Herbalife24 PrepareProlong, and Niteworks this morning before I left.

Let’s be honest … that’s a long run and water just won’t cut it and I’m the biggest water drinker you’ll find. Probably 100 ounces per day, but all that water isn’t going to replace what anybody needs to sustain on a 10-mile run let alone a marathon.

Morning weight = 172.5. Post-run weight = 170.

That is a head-scratcher … just burned 1,851 calories, but after using our standard 500 calorie deficit equals a 1 pound loss, the head gets less itchy. But, and I again say … BUT, how is that possible? I’ve run much shorter distances and lost the same amount at post-run.

Life lesson #97 – Even though we can’t understand something, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Today’s Meals:

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 1 — 10:30am

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2 — 1:30pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3 — 7pm

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Various Meal Snacks

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

MyFitnessPal Results — 09-12-2013


Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 0 – Pre Run Nutrition

Excuse the blurry picture … But, to my defense, it is 6:30 in the morning. It’s a no light-zone because I have 2 betas and there’s no need for them to wake up on my account.

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 1

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2.1

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2.2

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3

Today’s Activities:

  • 14 miles. ‘Nuf said.
Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

14 miles — 9:19/minute

Saturday, 09-14-2013