Day 130. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.
Morning weight = 170.5
Today’s Meals:
Today’s Activities:
- Next scheduled run is tomorrow. Going to enjoy another day’s rest.
Thursday, 10-17-2013
You’re never too old for grilled cheese. Repeat, never too old. I do encourage y’all to graduate from the Wonder Bread – Kraft American Cheese classic and guy some Artisan French breads and combine two of your favorite cheese slices. Mine are muenster and american.
Sunday, 09-29-2013
Be excellent at all times. It doesn’t matter what you do when somebody is watching you, especially if that someone is someone who has influence over you. Let’s say, your boss. And speaking of that, I hope you’re reading this at home versus at your work cubicle. If not, watch out! Here comes the boss!
It matters what you do when nobody is watching you. Being excellent at all times means walking a few extra steps to put away your shopping cart at Costco. Holding the door a few seconds longer when you see someone coming in behind you. And if they start to run, let them know, “No rush. Take your time.” Throwing away your own trash at Taco Bell.
If you do these smaller details of your life with excellence, I promise that you will have larger details of your life and more of your heart’s desires be fulfilled.
In the immortal words of our 20th century prophet Bill … Be Excellent To Each Other!
Saturday, 09-28-2013
Today surrounded two major events. Morning 14-mile run and an evening birthday party. I needed strength to get through the run and I needed stamina to manage tonight’s party. I did great on the run, but not-so-great at the party. Still wasn’t hungry so I just had a slice of the best ever carrot cake I’ve ever had with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Note to self — ask again who made that cake.
Don’t get me wrong — I didn’t hermit it in the corner, but I just plopped in a chair and whoever sat near me would be forced to listen to me go on and on about my morning run. Oh no … I turned into one of those guys. You know the one, “Look at me guy” Turn every conversation into something I want to talk about.
Note to self — don’t be “Look at me guy”
Saturday, 09-28-2013
It’s 8:30ish. Birds Chirping. Sun beginning to fully greet. A beautiful day for a run. What? Runkeeper says 14-miles?
Record scratch. Sun looking really hot. Is that a heavy wind coming through town?
Two mindsets, but I’m glad I can only listen to one and I’m glad it was my first power thoughts.
Saturday’s are the payoff for my Monday (recovery from Sunday’s race day), Wednesday (6.32 miles), and Friday (4 miles) efforts.
Was excited coming into this run. This being my 28th training session and the distances are now increasing. Feeling a bit hyped up. Sure, that first step is with a little hesitation because I know once I go, I go. There’s no stopping and that first step is the first of probably 28,000 steps. Just guessing, but I wanted to throw out a large number that just sounds so ridiculous. Makes 14 miles sound better than saying, “Hey, do you want to walk/run 28,000 steps with me this morning?”
During the run, I ate my Clif Shots at mile 3 and mile 10. I’ve learned to never let my body need anything — be proactive in its nutrition. I learned the hard way that once you lack, it’s hard to get it back. Take that Johnny Cochran!
Plus, I was strapped with my handy-dandy Batman utility belt. But instead of all those cool gadgets, i just had 2 8 ounce water bottles filled with my magic hydration and endurance potion of Herbalife24 Prolong, Prepare, and Niteworks. I mix it separately and pour it into the bottles so it does mix. And I’ll tell you, once that automated female voice said, “Workout completed” I couldn’t wait to down that last ounce of liquid.
Attribute my strong feeling towards my morning meal and I had a good night’s rest. My first mile was 9:25. My fourth mile was 9:32. Mile 9 was 10:08, but then I brought it home with a final mile of 9:07. All averaging out to 9:21 per mile average. Not quite Olympics-worthy, but if I could, I would jump for joy.
It felt like I ran 28,000 steps. What kind of question is that? My feet were a bit sore and my shoulders felt like I did 28,000 shrugs. All manageable and expected. What I wasn’t expecting was the overall lethargy. Just felt blah. I could imagine it’s how diabetics feel when their blood sugar drops significantly.
Not hungry at all — just took a couple bites of a banana and just moved around the leftover pasta. I did refuel with Herbalife24 Hydrate and Niteworks, but I may have drank too much. Felt like I was a walking blender with wet ingredients sloshing about.
Note to self – Thirsty is one thing, but trying to quench it all at once isn’t a good idea. Made me feel nauseous.
Guessing 8 miles on the city streets and 6 miles on trails. I find once I get to trails, I get a little bounce in my step. I think it’s the fact I need to concentrate on each step so I don’t roll an ankle.
Saturday, 09-28-2013
I dislike that saying. It’s normally said by someone raising a half-empty beer in one hand while pumping the fist of the other. Here’s my problem with it …
Work hard? What does that mean? Are there times when you shouldn’t do your best? Here’s my issue with working hard. Our culture is so quick to give props to something we should be doing anyway. We should be working hard. We should be working while we are at work rather playing solitaire when the boss isn’t looking.
Life lesson #111 — Be excellent at all times.
Now, play hard. No problem with this at all. We were created to enjoy our lives, but keep things in perspective and prioritize properly. Playing hard before being excellent at your responsibilities is a recipe for disaster.
Chris Rock sums it up very well … what do you want, a cookie? Don’t get it. That’s okay. Watch this short clip and it will all make sense.
Warning — explicit language.
And oh, by the way, I worked hard at a 9:21 minute/mile average pace for 14-miles today and then celebrated some good friend’s 3-year-old son’s birthday. Mickey even showed. I guess you could say, I worked hard and played hard today.
Morning weight = 173.5. Post-run 169.5
Saturday, 09-28-2013
Plan ahead for the things you do know and plan ahead for how you react to the things you don’t know.
If you get your mindset that you will remain clam under a storm, when the storm comes and newsflash, storms will come, you will be able to handle them with excellence.
I’ve found that doing so is very helpful. Not only plan for what is to come, but also plan for what is unforeseen. Specifically, how will you react if things don’t go as originally planned. This is a key, a secret if you will, to managing your emotions and being excellent in our daily lives.
So, I planned ahead. Not too far ahead. Just one day. And my “ahead” shows a 14-mile run on the horizon. So what does that mean for today and how should I plan for tomorrow?
For today — eat well, sleep well, and laugh well.
For tomorrow — eat well in the morning. Banana and super cocktail of Herbalife24 Prepare, Prolong, and Niteworks. And run in the morning. My attitude as I look towards tomorrow … I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.
Life Lesson #110 – Plan ahead for the things you do know and plan ahead for how you react to the things you don’t know.
Morning weight = 173. Post-run weight = 170.5
Friday, 09-27-2013
Marathon Food Plan. Carbs and cheeses and chips. The 3Cs of nutrition. But, poor choice of words, however … take a peek at the food journal. Still below my daily goal and says if I continue to eat like a normal human, I will still lose a bit of L-Bs. (pounds). Oh my … I can still be human and enjoy foods without counting points, without deprivation. I can be with versus without. But (here’s that but again), I did strap on the ole’ Brooks again today and hit the pavement. How many miles and time equals to managing the 3Cs of nutrition … find out here.
When did I eat:
Friday, 09-27-2013
Training session 27 of 64 — 4 mile easy run. At this stage of the game, I can actually say it is an “easy” run. Day 1 of 64, probably a different story, but goes to show you, keep at it (whatever your it is) and it will get easier.
Today’s run was easy-breezy. Didn’t push myself and cruised at a 8:20 per minute mile. Had much more in the tank after the run and pushed in some overpass/ramp runs to get more bang for my running buck.
It’s getting colder so I’ve got decisions to make — (1) wear the long sleeves like today or (2) run later in the morning when I can actually see a shadow. It’s been really dark out.
What would you do?
Friday, 09-27-2013