Early morning start and off to get an oil change, but instead of waiting in the waiting room. A waiting room filled with croissants, hot cocoa, cold water bottles, other knick-knack pastries, and I think I saw an apple hidden behind the donuts, I dress to impress. Running shorts, technical shirt, and headphones … see ya later snacks. Hello road. Life lesson #19 – why wait when you can run.
They’ll have my car for an hour. I’ll hit the road for 30 to give me plenty of time to cool down. I brought a change of shirt, but with this heat, I should’ve brought 3 extra. Oh, and by the way, my morning weight is 172.5.
Shake with a scoop of Formula 1 French Vanilla and 2 scoops of Personalized Protein Powder and my typical fruits and veggies to fuel my bikram run and I’m good.
Weekly lunch and laughs with my good friend. My choice, his time to pay. Buffet it is! Pizza to my hearts content and they have a salad bar … that has Ranch dressing that will go great with my pizza! Back at 1:30pm. Based on previous trips to the Roundtable Pizza Buffet, I did great! 2 small slices of veggie and 3 small slices of plain cheese. A hefty mixed green salad with beets, garbanzo, mushroom, sunflower seeds, and ranch and of course, water.
First thing to do when I get home is drink Herbalife Herbal Concentrate tea to balance what just happened. Post meal routine:
- 8 ounces of cold tea with 1 packet of Stevia
- 1 Herbalife multivitamin
- 1 Herbalife Herbalifeline
- 1 Herbalife Cell Activator
- 1 Herbalife Male Factor
More tea later and let’s just consider this a scientific test to see how far I can push my eating limits. Is 5 slices of pizza, 2 pieces of garlic twist bread, and a ranch dressing salad equivalent to 8 ounces of cold Herbal Concentrate Tea and a quick 30 minute run? Let’s hope so because that is a plan anybody can stick to.
Enjoyed a Chinese dinner with my wife and more post Herbal Tea if you get what I mean. Let’s see what happens tomorrow morning. My wife and I already have a running date on the hill.
Good night!