The kick-off to the second-half of the running season starts today. It feels like just yesterday I was saying I’m not going to enter any more of these organized races. My sister-in-law either should become a District Attorney with her persuasive ‘tude or I’m just a sucker for a medal. What? No medal, just a performance T? I guess I’ve just been found guilty!

And They’re Off!
In either case, I’m glad to be tagging along — it is fun to participate with others. Notice how I didn’t say run with others, only participate. I’m a Hermit Runner — headphones and my thoughts, but I certainly do notice I thrive in race scenarios. Ninety-nine percent of the time I have gone into a race feeling like the UCSC Banana Slug, but I come out like a UNLV Running Rebel. The 1% was during a Moonlight race where the start time was 7pm. 7pm in the middle of a Northern California summer is just cruel.
Life lesson #85 – In many circumstances, 99% is 100%. The pursuit of perfection can lead you to be imperfect with added strife and disappointment. Tony Horton, “do your best and forget the rest” sums it up very well.

Plus, this race actually falls on my scheduled run day. I was suppose to run a 6-mile run today anyway so why not get a shirt for my efforts. Finished 21st in my age group, 57th for all males, and 75th overall.

Laboring on Labor Day
Morning weight = 170. Post run weight = 168
Today’s Food:
- 6:15am – Pre-run Nutrition
- 9:15am – Post-run Nutrition sponsored by Whole Foods
- Various grains, nuts, Greek yogurt, soy milk, berries and other fruits, and flaxseed. Quote of the day from one of the young volunteers in charge of the flaxseed station and in response to what is it. She said, “It’s flaxseed — it will make sure flaxseed stronger in your body” OK … whatever you say.
- 9:45am – Post-Post run protein. Meeting with family at a local restaurant.
- Over medium egg and 3 potato wedges. Not hungry, but want the protein I didn’t get from the Whole Foods snacks.
- 12:45pm – Labor Day Grub
- 1 plate of homemade pasta with Quorn soy ground
- 1 serving of peach slices
- 1 serving of fruit salad
- 1/2 cup of fresh mango
- 1 serving of homemade cranberry quinoa salad
- 3pm – Fun Sized Snacks
- 1 Payday fun size bar
- 1 Snickers Peanut Butter Square. I’ll stick with the original.
- 5:30pm – Finishing leftovers
- 1 plate of homemade pasta with Quorn soy ground
- 3 pieces of garlic bread. With about 10 kids of various ages at the party, these went fast.
- 1 homemade Rainbow Cake
- 10:45pm – Herbalife24 Restore

Meal 1.1 – Post Race Fuel

Meal 1.2

Meal 2

Meal 3.1

Food and Exercise
Today’s Activities:
- Labor Day Race! My first 10K and I loved it. Before you know it, you’re done! Paced myself against other runners with nice strides for the first 2 miles. Passed this group when I noticed their were laboring on Labor Day and caught another group with great strides. Ran with this group for a little over 2 miles and when I noticed they were gassing out, politely passed them (runner’s etiquette) in an open area and never looked back. Had negative splits each mile and finished mile 6 at a sub 8-minute mark.
- Forgot to bring my Clif Shots so my sister-in-law actually had a few bucks on her and we went to Whole Foods (aka The Starting Line) and bought their equivalent, Vega Sports. All natural, blah, blah, blah. I bought a packet, but it in my pocket, thought about using it, but didn’t want to change my routine.

Labor Day Run

Shout to all the runner’s on this day that participated in the ceremonial “donation of the shoe” post race.

The Sole of a Runner
Monday, September 2, 2013