Tag Archives: life lessons

Day 111. Be Excellent

Life Lesson #111

Be excellent at all times. It doesn’t matter what you do when somebody is watching you, especially if that someone is someone who has influence over you. Let’s say, your boss. And speaking of that, I hope you’re reading this at home versus at your work cubicle. If not, watch out! Here comes the boss!

It matters what you do when nobody is watching you. Being excellent at all times means walking a few extra steps to put away your shopping cart at Costco. Holding the door a few seconds longer when you see someone coming in behind you. And if they start to run, let them know, “No rush. Take your time.” Throwing away your own trash at Taco Bell.

If you do these smaller details of your life with excellence, I promise that you will have larger details of your life and more of your heart’s desires be fulfilled.

In the immortal words of our 20th century prophet Bill … Be Excellent To Each Other!

Saturday, 09-28-2013

Day 110. No Umbrella Needed

Life Lesson #110

Plan ahead for the things you do know and plan ahead for how you react to the things you don’t know.

If you get your mindset that you will remain clam under a storm, when the storm comes and newsflash, storms will come, you will be able to handle them with excellence.