Studies have shown it takes 3 weeks to develop a new habit. Don’t believe me, Google it. Everything you read on the internet is true, right? Well, true or not, I can attest to the fact that there are many things getting easier.
- Writing these daily posts about my first marathon training using Herbalife24 products. Dare I say I’m enjoying the time to reflect and ask yourself this question, when was the last time you actually spent the time to write down your thoughts. I’m not saying I’m a Hemingway or a Maya Rudolph by any stretch of the imagination, but they’re not me either.
- I believe I’ve gone 3 weeks without using “haha” or “LOL” in any of my posts. I’m not saying it hasn’t been easy, but I’ve managed to fend off the urges. Haha. Ooops!
- My shake routine has been my routine, but I’m getting a bit more consistent with my supplements. I’m feeling great taking them once per day … will I feel 3x’s better taking them the suggested 3x’s per day.
Life lesson #21 – goal setting works, but you have to intentionally work your goals.
Morning weight 172.5. Looks like I’ve fallen into a 172-173.5 tug-a-war. My best guess is with more Herbalife Herbal Concentrate Tea and as my shoulder strength increases with daily physical therapy so I can move towards a greater balance of weight training and running, below 172 will win the war. My goal was to be at a consistent 170 with few nutritional changes. It should be said that my goal was reasonable. That is a life lesson for the future, but don’t set yourself up to fail.
Sunday’s Activities:
- 8am Springs with my wife. Since we had an appointment at 10:30, we gave ourselves 20 minutes. Shorter amount of time to work out, push it even harder!
The temperature peaked at 108-degrees today so I was very thankful to get this run in at a cool 79-degrees.
Sunday’s Meals Included:
- 7:35am – Herbalife24 Formula 1 Sport (4 ounces for me, 4 ounces for my wife)
- 8:00am – Herbalife24 Hydrate. Finished 16 ounces during and post run.
- 8:45am – Herbalife Formula 1 French Vanilla Shake with fruits and veggies
- 1:00pm – Catered Quiznos at church. Veggie with Lays BBQ and a half a bag of Sun Chips Cheddar Harvest. There was also an oatmeal and raisin cookie somewhere in the middle of all that. To drink, had lemonade and tea mixed for my very own Arnold Palmer.
- 2:30pm – Costco Run which means food stations! 3 gluten free chips with a quarter slice of sharp cheddar, 2 small Dixie cup samples of Vitamix vegetarian tortilla corn soup and a fruit and vegetable blend. Janae was from Las Vegas and she had the best Vitamix speel yet. I wish her the best.
- 4:50pm – 108 degrees outside and I just left the Vitamix rep. I’ve got Jamba on the mind. I usually call it Jumbo Juice because all of the sweeteners they use, but for today, there is a Jamba BOGO so I get the Tropical Harvest Original Size.
- 7:30pm – Chinese food at one of our favorite local spots.
Stomach still feeling flat. I feel energetic. I’m doing well and encouraged by the 3 week progress. No big changes nutritionally. Measurable results in energy, fitness, and overall well being.