Day 43. Feeling Fair.

Monday. New week. New checklist, but first, a trip to the California State Fair. The land of fried butter. Where fried Twinkies are considered health food. Where the answer to every question “Do you want _______ with that?” is an automatic “Yes!” It doesn’t matter at the fair … every answer is yes and more. Yes, please dip my roasted corn on the cob in that vat of melted butter. Yes, please batter and deep fry my zucchini. And, “John” (they are all named John), can I have just a little more. The state fair is a tradition in our household. We go. We eat. We don’t feel a darn bit guilty!

So, the evaluation. Excluding today’s meals of course. Last week’s performance. Celebrate the good and readjust the not-so-good to be in alignment.

The Good                                           The Not-So-Good

  • Weight remained steady            Didn’t eat many fresh fruits/veggies
  •  Strength without pain                Unable to get left arm behind back
  • Ate plenty of junkfood                Ate plenty of junkfood
  • Able to do pushups                      Unable to do pullups
  • Finished half-marathon             Since, only ran once.

Morning weight 171.

Writing down goals is a well-known task all successful people perform. Life lesson #43 – Don’t beat yourself up, but lift yourself up.

Today’s Meals:

  • Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run
Meal 2
Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Fair Food! Meal 2.1

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Fair food and holding hands!

Today’s Activities:

  • Today was a non run type of day. Wife back in town and our annual trip to the fair. Walked the California State Fair and I got the hi-score for Tron! I’m an 80s child! Isn’t my best, but 30 years later, I’m still making it beyond the 4th round. This time, of all things, the light cycles got me. Darn you memory! I couldn’t remember to break right with a quick up or break right with a quick down.
Tron Herbalife Run Herbalife Strong

Tron Hi-Score


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