Sounds like one of those bad, cheesy jokes that usually starts off like “So I went in for an oil change and the next thing you know …” Well, the joke was definitely on me. It wasn’t the $140 oil change fee … that was expected. It was the fact that my vehicle with only 50,000 miles on it has an oil pan leak and it has to be replaced for $2,000+. Life lesson #47 – look at the bright side. You’re not paying $2,000, you’re paying $1,860 and the oil change is included!
Morning weight 171. I win the battle of the Boardwalk! Jarod’s got nothing on me! I’m eating fried foods and lots of meals. The takeaway … eat what you like, eat lots of small meals, and be active!
Took the loaner car to Java Time donuts after hearing so much about this place from my brother-in-law. A picture says a thousand words and a thousand calories! This baby will set you back $28.50, but think about the bragging rights!
Today’s Meals:
- 8:00am – Herbalife Formula 1 French Vanilla Protein Shake. 5 oz of Healthy Balance Apple Juice, 1/2 cup of Costco Organic Frozen Blueberries, 4 large Costco strawberries, and 1/2 frozen banana. 2 scoops of Formula 1 and 2 scoops of Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder. Not sure how detailed you read these, but if you’re an Adrian Monk, you probably notice there is no cabbage. My wife witnessed the shake making this morning and what I thought was just dirt on the cabbage apparently was mold. Herbalife supplements:
- Formula 2 Multivitamin
- Formula 3 Cell Activator
- Herbalifeline
- Xtra-Cal Advanced
- Mega Garlic Plus
- 12:15pm – Royal Thai
- Yellow tofu curry. Spicy, of course! If you sweat while you eat, you can eat more! That’s what I tell myself, but I’m sure there is some science behind it.
- 3/4 veggie spring roll
- 1 cup of salad with egg dressing
- 1/4 cup of rice
- 1 Thai ice tea
- Herbalife Supplements
- Formula 2 Multivitamin
- Formula 3 Cell Activator
- Herbalifeline
- Xtra-Cal Advanced
- Mega Garlic Plus
- Nature Made B6
- 2:50pm – Java Time local donut shop.
- Blueberry bar
- 1 bite of a glazed claw with Captain Crunch and Fruit Loop topping
- 1 bite of a cream puff
- 6:45pm – Jade Restaurant
- 1 1/2 serving of General Sesame Tofu (crispy and less sauce)
- 1/2 cup of fresh, steamed broccoli
- 1 1/2 serving of Chinese pea sprouts in garlic sauce
- 1 cup of steamed rice
- 1/2 can of Hawaiian Sun Lilikoi Iced Tea
- 10:30pm – 1 Asian Hotel Bread (toasted) with North Shore Goodies Coconut Butter.
Today’s Activities:
- Clean and prepare house, backyard, and pool for a dual Saturday party. If there was an exercise equivalent, I would say this is a 1.5 mile run.