When was the last time you did something out of your normal routine for 5 days? How about 15 days? 30, 40 days? How about 50 days? It’s been awhile for me, but it’s been extremely helpful in keeping focused and on track. Life lesson #50 – Consistency is life-changing.
Morning weight 169.5
Today’s Meals:
- 8am – Herbalife Formula 1 French Vanilla Protein Shake. 5 oz of Healthy Balance Apple Juice, 1/2 cup of Costco Organic Frozen Blueberries, 4 large Costco strawberries, and 1/2 frozen banana. 2 scoops of Formula 1 and 2 scoops of Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder. Herbalife supplements:
- Formula 2 Multivitamin
- Formula 3 Cell Activator
- Herbalifeline
- Xtra-Cal Advanced
- Mega Garlic Plus
- 11:50pm – Jade Restaurant
- 1 serving of General Sesame Tofu (crispy and less sauce)
- 1/2 cup of fresh, steamed broccoli
- 1 serving of Chinese pea sprouts in garlic sauce
- 1 cup of steamed rice
- 1:45pm – Asian Hotel Toast with 2 tbsp of Skippy Peanut Butter
- 4:40pm – 1/2 banana with 1/2 of a Clif Bar Crunchy Peanut Butter
- 8:15pm – Sinagong vegetarian with sides of crispy tofu. Had 2 servings and for my salty side, Hawaiian Style Mango Habanero chips.
- 9pm – Dessert! Back-to-back desserts! Ikeda Homemade Peach Pie with Crystal Ice Cream.
Today’s Activities:
- First run of the week. Just need to get my feet and legs back under me. Two overpasses and directly into a 10 mph headwind. Actually passed a biker heading into the second overpass. Felt a little awkward, but I wasn’t trying to beat her. I just maintained my pace.