Day 103. Do I Still Run When I’m Sick?

Wife home — not feeling well. Nice for me … love spending more time with her, but probably not the ideal situation for her. She’s been doing her best Joe Camel imitation for about 2 weeks now.

Has me thinking … what to do when not feeling 100%? Some say rest. Some say eat chicken soup, but that does no good for vegetarians. Some say 7-Up is an absolute cure all (I might be swayed to belief this — 7-Up has saved many a day in my life). But what to do when you’re not feeling 100% and it falls on a big day, for example … off the top of my head, a marathon? Or just training days? And especially as the days grow shorter and Winter weather creeps in.

Today I’ll get my mindset that no matter how I feel, I will complete the goal. But in doing so, first and foremost, I will pray for health and restoration not just for me, but for everybody running the race. While my wife does her best Joe Camel, I’ll do my best postman … rain, sleet, snow (or sniffle).

Life lesson #103 — Make up your mind on how you will react before something happens and this will keep your attitude steady. There will be surprises, but you don’t have to be surprised by them.

Morning weight = 173. Post-run = 170.

Today’s Meals:

herbalife run

Meal 1 — 8:15am

herbalife marathon

Meal 2 — 1:30pm


Meal 3 — 7:40pm


Meal Snacks (See below for details)


  • 9am – Meal 0, Pre-Run Nutrition. Herbalife24 Prepare and Niteworks.
  • 2pm – Meal 2.1 European chocolate biscuit cookies
  • 3:30pm – Meal 2.2 Filipino Suman
run marathon

MyFitnessPal 09-20-2013 Results


Meal 0 — 9am


Meal 2 — 1:30pm

marathon run

Meal 2.1 — 2pm

marathon runner

Meal 2.2 — 3:30pm

Herbalife Run

Meal 3 — 7:40pm

Today’s Activities:

  • With the Labor Day race on Sunday, this Friday run will be a nice warm-up and I’ll push back my scheduled Saturday run and save it for race day!
herbalife run

5 mile easy run

Friday, 09-20-2013

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